Strict Standards: Non-static method mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateList() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateListWithIDs() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::processMissingTranslation() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosCache::getCache() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translate() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateWithID() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateListWithIDs() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::processMissingTranslation() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosMainFrame::getBasePath() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLanguageHelper::getLanguage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLanguageHelper::_createLanguage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLanguage::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosMainFrame::getBasePath() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JRegistryFormat::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Declaration of JRegistryFormatINI::objectToString() should be compatible with that of JRegistryFormat::objectToString() in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JText::_() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLanguageHelper::getLanguage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::_contentElementFields() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateWithID() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateListWithIDs() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::processMissingTranslation() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateWithID() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method JoomFish::translateListWithIDs() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::show() cannot be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::show() cannot be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::_Itemid() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::_linkInfo() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Title() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 473
Разработка и внедрение корпоративной культуры
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::EditIcon() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 634
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::PdfIcon() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 476
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosHTML::PrintIcon() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 479
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::EmailIcon() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 482
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Section_Category() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 514
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Section() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 757
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Category() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 760
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Author() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 517
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::CreateDate() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 520
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::URL() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 523
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::TOC() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 529
There are no translations available Корпоративная культура предполагает наличие в организации общих ценностей, убеждений, норм, ожиданий. Именно они связывают людей и организацию в единую систему.
Корпоративная культура дает людям возможность отождествлять себя с организацией, воспитывает чувство приверженности, ответственности за все происходящее, осознание важности коммуникаций, создает основу для стабильности, контроля и единого направления.
Корпоративная культура включает в себя:
- Определение и формулировка корпоративных ценностей
- Разработка и внедрение системы мероприятий, направленных на укрепление корпоративной культуры
- Разработка внутрикорпоративных коммуникаций
- Разработка программ по поддержке корпоративных изменений
Результат работы консультантов ERM Group позволит клиенту:
- Эффективнее использовать человеческие ресурсы компании для реализации ее стратегии
- Повысить уровень управляемости компании
- Усилить сплоченность команды
- Найти новые источники мотивации персонала на достижение цели
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::ModifiedDate() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 539
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::ReadMore() should not be called statically in /home/ermg/ on line 542
Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_content::Navigation() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosHTML::CloseButton() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line
Strict Standards: Non-static method mosHTML::BackButton() should not be called statically in
/home/ermg/ on line